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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

TivuStreamPRO KODI Addon v. 1.0.1 (Kodi 18 - 19)

Latest KODI addon TivuStreamPRO v 1.0.1

compatible with KODI Leila (18) and the latest KODI Matrix version (19) ( "search" no work on kodilite 7)

-Added Search function for live channels, films and TV series
-New Logo and restyling
-New features in activation

plugin.video.tivustreampro-1.0.1.zip (884.27KB)​

Hey! Music Mike here! Checkout https://www.Volume.com - We are the next up and coming LIVESTREAMING site that is specifically catered to the arts.
Tune in for our launch event March 12-14 , you're not going to want to miss it! Sign up for an account so you are in the loop~

We have
- tvdream.net
- la7 ondemand
- rai play on demand
- mediaset play ondemand
- regional news - headings etc.

Thanks Lululla

enigma2-plugin-extensions-tvdream_1.0_all.deb.rar (1.04MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-tvdream_1.0_all.ipk.rar (1.28MB)​


Version 1.4.6 with Fixes

-Update the locale/pl.po file
-Update po files using updateallpo-multiOS.sh
-Fix typo in pl.po
-Leverage browser `color-scheme` css attribute for scrollbars etc.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif_1.4.6-git20210416_all.deb.rar (3.35MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif_1.4.6-git20210416_all.ipk.rar (10.01MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif_1.4.6-git20210416_novxg.ipk.rar (8.63MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif_1.4.6-git20210416_vti.ipk.rar (4.65MB)​


● Add svg icons and scalable screens support
