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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

XStreamity 3.17

KiddaC wrote

New Vod downloader.
Now downloads in background. No queueing downloads for this version. Only 1 at a time.
Now reports size of file.
If IPTV stream from same provider is playing when you start the download. I stop this. Its up to you if you start it again. Then you can blame yourselves and not me.

New VOD/Catchup resume
This was simple to do in the end. The components were already there. I just had to learn how to use them.
The storage for these resumes live in /etc/enigma2/resumepoints.pkl. This probably wasn't designed for 100s of VOD files. So might be best to keep an eye on it. If it gets bloated just delete all the contents of it to refresh it.
Thanks KiddaC

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_3.17.20210914_all.deb.rar (1.76MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_3.17.20210914_all.ipk..rar (1.97MB)​

RussianMediaPark 35.3

First time plug-in installation
After installing the plug-in itself in any way (via telnet, via image or unpacking) we take the following steps.
First, download the archive with the components included in the attachment.
We unpack, download the ipk package and throw it into the recipient's tmp folder.

We will issue a command to install it in telnet:
opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Then, strictly sequentially (that is, one command at a time), we telnet the following commands:

opkg install python-requests

opkg install python-argparse

opkg install python-pyexecjs

opkg install wget

ln -s /usr/bin/wget.wget / usr / bin / fullwget

opkg install duktape

opkg install ffmpeg
And that's all!
The plugin is installed and working.

components_for_rmp_all_images_0.1_all.ipk.zip (13.06KB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-russianmediapark_35.3_all.ipk.zip (4.11MB)​

XStreamity 3.33

KiddaC wrote
New EPG offset setting in playlist settings. This is only for provider epg I download. Not epgs that use satellite refs via epgimporter.

Bonus: while I was doing the above I added in an EPG timeshift. So you can see what is on later for all channels. Pressing keys 7 (minus hour), 8 (reset), 9 (plus hour)

Epgimport source files are now in one file and grouped. Files should automatically delete and self clean entries for active playlists only.
Channel files remain separate though.
Thanks KiddaC

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_3.33.20211023_all.deb.rar (1.77MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_3.33.20211023_all.ipk.rar (1.97MB)​
