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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

Version 1.09

Page 4:
* Quit MCC after the start of the cut (can now also be set if the original is not overwritten)
* Display message for cutting errors: Since nonsensical error messages sometimes appear, you can generally suppress the error display here
* The duration of the display for the start and end of the cut can be set (with 99 you can suppress the message completely). If 'Exit after start' is activated, no start message is generally output. This is necessary because very short display times at the start display lead to a crash for an incomprehensible reason.

Page 6:
* Start MCC settings from the movie player menu (additional option to the VTI panel). Is displayed directly after the MovieCutCenter.
* Prefix for sorting the plugins in the movie player menu: Here you can put a text in front of the name of the plugin (MovieCutCenter), so that you can use the plugin e.g. B. can sort at the very beginning. Neither the standard movie player nor EMC support that. If desired, I can send instructions to EMC via communication - it's really easy.

Update _V11.6

-improve some codes
-Remove all languages just keep Default lang (English) and Arabic..
Form more languages you can download it after open keyboard ****>
Menu > Install language
To keep change languages more fast ..

Command link to Download and install

wget http://tunisia-dreambox.info/TSplugins/NewVirtualKeyBoard/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh

Thanks RAED

The following updated addons (attached below) have been tested with KodiLite 8.3 using a python 3 image (Openatv 7.0).

plugin.video.HasBahCa-1.0.2 - World iptv
plugin.video.filma24-al-1.0.12 - Movies with Albanian subtitles
plugin.video.spicytranny-1.0.6 - ad**lt 18+

Thanks pcd


-Ukrainian language added
-Fix for the city numbers

Thanks Caught




In the oscamstatus you can switch the server on and off at the box

e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.61 (Mod Dorik1972)

1) Now, when a provider is deleted from the "card", all bouquets, config entries, and all channel picons of this provider are deleted (previously only config entries were deleted)
2) Minor code optimization


Version 1.5.1 with Latest Fixes

-Move package version details into About OpenWebif page..
This change moves package version details from hidden-by-default side menu item into always-visible `About OpenWebif` page
-Fix capitalisation

XStreamity 3.68

Added in 4 new main settings options - if people want to experiment and see if disabling graphic downloads speeds up their slow servers

Show channel picons
Show Vod/Series posters
Show infobar picons
Show infobar posters

Added back in the server timeout for all downloads. (as set in main settings - for some reason I deleted all those user choice timeouts)

Thx @KiddaC


- Enhanced picon-by-name detection (across images, see explanation below)
- Symlinks to integrate non VTi compatible picons
- Language package (currently German/English)

Oberhesse wrote
Starting with version 0.0.5, the Picon Buddy extends the picon-by-name recognition.

For VTi, name-related station picons (picon-by-name) must be named exactly like the station, i.e. the picon name "Das Erste HD.png" applies to the station "Das Erste HD".

The Picon Buddy can handle other designations:
- Picons can be stored in interoperable notation (lower case, without spaces and special characters).
- Picons are also recognized whose names do not contain the additions HD/UHD/Austria/Austria/Germany and the regional additions of the third programs.

"zdfhd.png", "ZDF.png" and "zdf.png" now also work for the channel "ZDF HD".
"wdrbonnhd.png", "WDR.png" and "wdr.png" also work for "WDR Bonn HD".
For "Nick/MTV+" also "nickmtvplus.png" works

Due to the more flexible detection, picon packets no longer have to be exactly matched to the upper and lower case of the respective sender. In addition, the number of picons can be reduced, because for stations with numerous regional offshoots (e.g. WDR and NDR) one picon is now sufficient for the entire station package.

To ensure that picons with non-VTI-compatible notation are fully usable, symlinks (according to the VTi standard) can be created that forward to the by-name picons.
The symlink 1_0_1_2EE3_441_1_C00000_0_0_0.png then refers to rtl.png, for example.

The symlinks of all channels are created/updated or removed by the buddy in one operation

Buddy's renaming function (yellow button) should be of interest to the creators of picon packages, through which the complete picon stock can be converted to the desired notation (by-ref, by-name-VTi, by-name-extended).



  • SymLinks.jpg
    169.5 KB · Views: 0
  • jjjjj.jpg
    139.5 KB · Views: 0

PiconManager (new version)



@Oberhesse has made some changes to the piconmanager.

Picon-by-reference detection converts IP channels (4097:1.....) to the syntax "1:1...".
References containing a name (e.g. #SERVICE 1:0:19:2B66:3F3:1:C00000:0:0::ZDF) are now processed correctly.

The following enhancements have been made to the picon-by-name recognition:
The complete list will be read in advance and translated into a shorter syntax
(e.g. "RTL HD" to "rtl", "WDR HD Aachen" to "wdr").
For each channel the name is also reduced before downloading (e.g.
"RTL Austria" to "rtl") and matched with the picon-by-name list.
Then the matching picon is picked out.
This procedure has the advantage that by-name designations are recognized
are recognized more flexibly and several by-name-picons are no longer
(with the addition "HD").

The local picon name will also be checked again, because the Picon Buddy will allow a new by-name syntax in the future.
If "ZDF HD.png" is to be downloaded, but /usr/share/picon/zdf.png is stored locally, this name will continue to be used.
THX @NaseDC & @Oberhesse
