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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files


BextrH wrote
In this version I will please a Dino user who uses m3u conversion plugin but must have m3u files in .... / tmp /. Therefore, I came up with the following solution. Where is the IPTV download ... I added an option to search for m3u files then copy them to / tmp / So if you downloaded any m3u file from my downloader, you will use this option which will search your device and copy all found m3u files to .... / tmp / Then just use the convert plugin. I also added it to you and you will find it where other plugins are downloaded at the very bottom. You install it, and when you open it up, the first option at the top is a line where you choose which m3u you want to convert to an inter-channel setting. You switch them side to side with buttons. The second line is for selecting the format. I have an old machine, so the format ... GStreamer works reliably for me.
Then press the green button .... Convert. You will return to the channel screen and find the converted list in Favorites (blue button). It should be there without rebooting. As for my IPTV conversion test feature that I added yesterday, it is already working, getting the current m3u and converting and saving the setting as well. And a restart is no longer necessary.
So you have a new feature to find m3u and copy to / tmp /. Where then you will use said plugin which will convert the selected m3u and convert and save it for you. Or you can use my direct converter made by me with download and save function, only on m3u for now.
It takes a little longer, but with just one click. I also fixed the download of m3u ... IP.

cfg_Zoom_searchM3U_all.ipk.rar (79.76KB)
Serien Recorder 4.1.5

The new release version summarizes the changes in the beta versions since the last release version.

New function:
You can now jump between the series in the timer list (edit list) with the bouquet buttons
You can now reset the broadcast dates on the server with "yellow long" in the series marker view
If e.g. If there are changes in a series, the dates on the series server can be reset so that the series server retrieves the data from the wish list again.
This function has a direct effect on the series server - it is enough for one user to do it, if the dates are still wrong after resetting, then the wish list is not up to date. If the function is abused, I will deactivate it again.
Wake up the backup folder at the beginning of the auto-check

Further log messages when copying covers into the series directory (debug log)
Settings dialog revised
Deletion of entries from timer list improved.
If there were multiple entries for an episode, all entries for that episode were deleted and not just the selected one.
Now only the selected entry is actually deleted.
The execution time of the auto-check was incorrectly calculated, resulting in a value that was much too short.
Now the time is displayed correctly at the end of the auto-check and corresponds better to the display time of the spinner.
Auto-check optimization
Various new log messages in the debug log for the auto check
Allocation of an alternative transmitter does not lead to the message "STB transmitter not found"

Bug fixes:
The real station names are now displayed in the timer list, even if Picons has been deactivated.
Some entries (without TV series ID) in the timer list could not be deleted, this has now been fixed.
In the case of timers that could not be updated from the EPG, the correct lead and lag time is now set again.
Fixed a bug when creating manual entries in the timer list
No more crashes in the settings view
Fixed bug with manual timers from the broadcast schedule view.
If more than one timer per episode was not allowed, it may yet another timer was created.
Cover placeholders were not updated correctly.
Despite the setting that placeholder covers should be checked again after 60 days, they were not reloaded. That has now been corrected.
If a different lead / lag time was set on a transmitter, the global lead / lag time was set on the timer when the film timer was updated.
The reason for this was that there is no series marker for films and therefore the database query did not return any results.

serienrecorder-4.1.5.rar (506.35KB)
[Plugin] Netflix Dream - Page 2 - Dreambox HD Models
Update Online

Version 1.2.2
-Performance fix

Thanks murxer
Fix zattoo 23.09.20

@mogli123 wrote
Please delete or uninstall old version beforehand ...
* Temp fix apptoken
* Streaming bit rates (in settings) renewed

zattoo-23.09.20.zip (305.78KB)
Update Version R64

- Fixed display errors in the planners
- Key assignment green / blue - Timer / switching swapped in the planners
- kexmap.xml taken from @schomi
- Converter AdvancedEventLibraryNextEvents now also works in the IB and SIB. with source = "session.extEvent_Now"
- Timers that are created in the planners are only created after confirmation in the timer editor.
- The event lists of the planners remain at the current position after creating a timer and do not jump back to position 1.
- Font colors of all AEL EPG lists can be defined via color definition in the skin.

XML Source Code
< color name="EventLibraryListsFirstLineColor" value="#F0FFFF" />
< color name="EventLibraryListsSecondLineColor" value="#909090" />
< color name="EventLibraryListsFirstLineColorSelected" value="#070d0d" />
< color name="EventLibraryListsSecondLineColorSelected" value="#104E8B" />
without definition, the font color is always #FFFFFF.

- NEW backup function can be performed via the menu button in the plugin or as a separate task.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedeventlibrary_1.0r64_all.ipk.rar (488.62KB)​


E2iPlayer for E2 The original public version of sss is closed. This version includes all Tsiplayer hosts from rgysoft and XXX hosts hosting the other public versions from Maxbambi, Zadmario, Mosznowy, Codermik and Colombo..

Instructions:Execute all Telnet commands completely only with PuTTY (latest version) Execute the following commands with Putty (first copy the TS-E2iplayer-2020.11.01.01.tar.gz into the root directory in the folder tmp with FTP program PUTTY and FTP program simultaneously up to leave open to the end

1. First of all:
init 4
rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer
rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/settloader
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycurl.so
rm -rf /hdd/IPTVCache
rm -rf /media/hdd/IPTVCache
rm -rf /iptvplayer_rootfs
rm -rf /etc/IPTVCache
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerarabicgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerenglishgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerfrenchgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerhostsgroups.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayertsiplayercgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerhostsorder
rm -rf /etc/tsiplayer_xtream.conf
rm -rf /etc/vk/0000040c.kle
rm -rf /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstifdsrc.so
rm -rf /usr/bin/cmdwrap
rm -rf /usr/bin/duk
rm -rf /usr/bin/e2ibox
rm -rf /usr/bin/exteplayer3
rm -rf /usr/bin/f4mdump
rm -rf /usr/bin/fullwget
rm -rf /usr/bin/gstplayer
rm -rf /usr/bin/hlsdl
rm -rf /usr/bin/rtmpdump
rm -rf /usr/bin/uchardet
rm -rf usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/cmdwrap
rm -rf usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/duk
rm -rf usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/hlsdl
tar -zxvf /tmp/TS-E2iplayer-2020.11.01.01.tar.gz -C /
rm -rf /tmp/TS-E2iplayer-2020.11.01.01.tar.gz

2. Second: Enter the following 2 commands one after the other and always confirm with Y (Y means yes) and execute

cd /tmp && rm -f ffinstall.py && wget http://e2iplayer.pkteam.pl/ffinstall.py && python ffinstall.py

cd /tmp && rm -f pycurlinstall.py && wget http://e2iplayer.pkteam.pl/pycurlinstall.py && python pycurlinstall.py

3. Third:enter the command reboot Your device will restart

4th fourth:then as soon as the device has been restarted, open the E2iplayer in the extensions and install all binary files (deps) always confirm all queries with yes and select point 1 choose

5. as fifth:then update it to the latest version that is available on the server.Set up the update server in all ways and go to gitlab.com / 9thprince

6. as sixth:Restart the device (which the device always wants after the player has been updated anyway) If binary files Deps are still missing, install and select point 1 choose

7. Information:These are my attitudes

config.plugins.iptvplayer.alternativeARMV7MoviePlayer=extepl ayer
config.plugins.iptvplayer.alternativeARMV7MoviePlayer0=extep layer
config.plugins.iptvplayer.defaultARMV7MoviePlayer0=exteplaye r

[Alle]_TS-E2iplayer-2020.17.11. by Freddy88.zip (15.73MB)​


e2m3u2bouquet 1.0.26 (Mod Dorik1972)

Before installation, remove the original using standard E2 tools (removal of ipk packets).
You can take an empty config.xml, rewrite it in / etc / enigma2 / e2m3u2bouquets and edit it to your liking.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_1.0.26_all.deb.rar (799.98KB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet_1.0.26_all.ipk.rar (835.62KB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvarchive_2.0.1_all.deb.rar (19.24KB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvarchive_2.0.1_all.ipk.rar (21.39KB)​
