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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files


●YouTubeVideoUrl: remove now unused _html_search_**** and _****_regex
●YouTubeVideoUrl: improve yt initial player response extraction
●YouTubeVideoUrl: improve age-gated videos extraction
●Revert "YouTubeVideoUrl: try fix new youtube player on age restricted videos

enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_h1+git607+14a9b6a-r0.0_all.ipk.rar (147.94KB)​

Xstreamity V2.69

user can now add timeshift to urls in playlists.txt file, so they don't have to amend it in settings.
This is for epg/catchup timeshift. Not quick epg timeshift.

...type=m3u&output=ts&timeshift="-3" #test iptv
this extra param will only work in this plugin. It is not an xtream codes param.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_2.69.20201213_all.ipk.rar (1.99MB)​

Xstreamity V2.82

-Fixed vodfavourite crash - or should do I haven't actually physically tested it
-EPG timeshift in settings now also amends Full EPG time offset - this might break catchup offset. EPG more important. Let me know if it breaks catchup times and I will put 2 settings in instead
-Amended some code for dreambox regarding downloads paths so @seagen doesn't have to keep amending his .deb file
Attached Files

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_2.82.20210111_all.deb.rar (1.79MB)​

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_2.82.20210111_all.ipk.rar (1.99MB)​


-Bugfix: Unhandled exception caught when you use the Delete key without having selected an item
-Bugfix: The Delete key can now be used again to change values in the properties window.

languages.zip (20.09KB)​

OpenSkinDesigner_v3.2.5.3.zip (152.02KB)​

camofs 17.40

In the case of new installations from version 17.40 onwards, updates are pointed out at the start, since completely outdated versions are often found on feeds and in various forums
First-time users wonder why they have any problems and have no idea of the changes / updates
In addition, the menu item "Info & Check Update" has been placed higher up, the display has been changed and minor corrections have been made
older versions are no longer fully supported

thx @ shadowrider

enigma2-plugin-extensions-camofs_17.40_all.ipk.rar (383.22KB)​

NeoBoot 9.16 by gutosie

new version available - fix all model, arm and mipsel
recommended vuplus image for flash openpli
recommended other stb image for flash egami or openpli
Installation of neoboot. Run the following command in the terminal of a supported tuner​
Installing neoboot. Run the following command in the terminal of a supported tuner
opkg update
opkg install curl
curl -kLs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gutosie/neoboot/master/iNB.sh|sh
-if the above command did not work, try the command:
cd / tmp; wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gutosie/neoboot/master/iNB.sh;chmod 755 ./iNB.sh;sh ./iNB.sh; rm ./iNB.sh; cd
-if the above command does not work, try the next command:
cd / tmp; fullwget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gutosie/neoboot/master/iNB.sh;chmod 755 ./iNB.sh; sh ./iNB.sh; rm ./iNB.sh; cd
I recommend installation via telnet
On my VU Solo4K, an error popped up after installing the ipk * file
extensions / NeoBoot (no module named Testinout)

enigma2-plugin-extensions-neoboot_9.16_all.zip (4.52MB)​
