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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

NeoBoot by gutosie

New NeoBoot 8 updates by gutosie

Installation Command In Telnet:

opkg update
opkg install curl
curl -kLs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gutosie/NeoBoot8/master/iNB.sh|sh
Another way to install it, if the curl tool does not work correctly, please try the command:

opkg update
cd /tmp
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gutosie/NeoBoot8/master/iNB.sh
chmod 0755 /tmp/iNB.sh
Or download @


NeoBoot 8.06 -master.zip (2.43MB)
New version

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.9.6_all ipk

New in this update is the addition of a feature to use the button 0 to run the script for servers
The powerful servers are running in order for the script to run quickly and it is also up to date
Always not when opening the pallidin, but from the server online.
It is possible to activate the work of the script automatically or automatically using the script 57 for further explanation, continue Pictures..
The daily working time of the script at 19:30. It is possible to adjust the time and day in the root file.
etc / cron / crontabs / root

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.9.6_all.deb.rar (1.74MB)

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.9.6_all.ipk.rar (1.77MB)
Airly 1.0-r35

-Wind speed added (also to the Converter)
-Added daily and minute API key usage
-Called ID list changed (Yellow)
-Virtual Keyboard Call (TXT) added
-The percent reading of PM10 and PM2.5 has been improved due to changes in the API
-The Help screen has changed
-Automatically showing new data after changing in Settings (no need to restart Airly)
-Translation update
-Other cosmetic changes

enigma2-plugin-extensions-airly_1.0-r35_all.ipk.rar (9.52MB)
X-STREAMITY (Work In Progress)

Update 27.02.2020

kiddac wrote:
90% done Live infobar for HD skin. Not SD
Large epg descriptions not scrolling yet. Don't know why.
Picon not included yet.
Icons not included yet.
Not 100% happy with this layout now I have seen it in action, so it will probably be changed a little.
But the elements are now coded up, so just a case of moving things around.

And "TV" button now works if you want to quickly rotate through the stream types when playing. ie. 1,4097, 5002 etc
So you can see which one is quicker and plays better. All providers differ.
Thanks kiddac

folders-for-manual-upload.zip (3.53MB)

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_1.0021.20200227_all.ipk.rar (3.42MB)
BoxPirates Panel


● Fix, delete the panel if the good feed was also installed
● Associated with this is a relaunch of the panel as Boxpirates CamManager

Before installing version 1.9.0-r6 for DreamOS, please try to uninstall the old version.
This applies especially to users who have already deleted the panel

apt-get remove --purge enigma2-plugin-extensions-boxpirates-panel

enigma2-plugin-extensions-boxpirates-cammanager_1.9.0-r6_all.ipk.rar (1.01MB)
Update 05.04.2020

● Hide/Show Categories (not channels) - via Menu button :thank_you2:
● Version number added to main screen logo
● Black skin - progress bars are now blue and not black
●Removed IMDB for series - its no use I tried various searches and its not efficient enough. IMDB alternative now only for VOD (EPG Button)
● Hide Catchup category if your provider doesn't have it
● Download Series - This now has a more user friendly name

enigma2-plugin-extensions-xstreamity_1.20.20200405_all.ipk.rar (1.03MB)