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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

New version

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.4_all ipk

-Using the input tool to modify the line after loading its data in the image of the server storesat server
After modifying the line we agree by pressing ok to send the line to the file etc / CCcam.cfg /"0" button for editing

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.4_all.ipk.rar (2.22MB)
JEDI MAKER XTREAM - Version 5.23 (Universal)

-Added in a new buffer option when creating bouquets. Personally I found no use for it, other people seem to think it works. Supposedly option 1 is the best choice. (Experimental)
-Fixed dead Xtream URLs showing full url instead of the just the domain.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_5.23.20191111_all.ipk.rar (1.72MB)
VPN Manager Plugin

This plugin should make it possible for you to switch between different VPN connections.

Also, you get several information that will be determined on your IP.
If there is an existing VPN connection, the ping will also be indicated.
Also in the plugin is already an update-resolv-conf with it, so the DNS server of the VPN provider are used.

In order to use the plugin properly, you must note the following.

Creating the configs
- create a folder for this / media / hdd / OpenVPN you can choose this folder name freely.
- for each config that you want to use create another folder / media / hdd / OpenVPN / Amsterdam Amsterdam can be replaced by everything.
In this folder then come the files you get from your VPN provider.
You do not have to rename or customize them if it's an xxxx.conf or xxxx.ovpn.

Set up plugin
- OpenVPN must be stopped before the first start of the plugin
- First, you assign the new created folder in the plugin menu
- Now you have to enter your access data from your VPN provider
- Optionally, you can also set certain DNS server if a VPN connection exists.
But only for users who know what they are doing

opkg update && opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
OE2.5/OE.2.6 und DreamOS 64
apt-get update && dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb && apt-get -f install

Thanks murxer

enigma2-plugin-extensions-vpnmanager_1.0.4.deb.rar (244.82KB)

enigma2-plugin-extensions-vpnmanager_1.0.4_all.ipk.rar (278.53KB)
New version

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.8.1_all ipk

-Update IPTV listings for the FOOT ON LINE extension
-Add Auto-Update for FOOT ON LINE iptv ch
-Add servers to the freeserver script
-Change Font show info
-Update CCcam.providers and CCcam.channelinfo on 11/11/2019

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_6.8.1_all.ipk.rar (1.04MB)
Sat-Universe Feeds Plugin(BissFeedAutoKey )

Special thanks to Beta testers: Shr776 ,Mehdi,cesaret244,kalkan99

New update 2.2

--Server address is changed to version 1.5. maybe vpn needed!

--New skin is designed to reduce plugin size.

--Use same skin for OE2 & DreamOS.

--if user uses Addkey plugin by mistake and key is not inserted by Addkey plugin, emulator isn't restarted.

--Improvment in search feeds in database especially for multi IDs feeds.

--Improvment in setting.

--Fix some bugs

JEDI MAKER XTREAM - Version 5.27 (Universal)

-Plugin now picks up 2 different types of older xtream panels.
-Categories can now be selected for older xtream panels. Also you can now view the channel list for older panels.
-Removed the check for empty categories. It was causing issues with some older panels, slows creation down and wasn't bringing much to the party.
-Removed Rytec UK downloading every run. This was some experimental code I must have been messing with. The main code was commented out anyway, so it wasn't doing much other than slowing creation down.
-Improved local and external M3U playlists handling.
-Fixed buffer option description not showing in bouquet settings.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream_5.27.20191215.deb.rar (1.47MB)