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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

Update 1.3.0

- Country flag Fix
- Server status fix

Attention to the deb users, i ask you to uninstall the old version first.

apt-get remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-perfectprivacy
apt-get autoremove

Now the box Please restart, then install the new version.

Installation from / tmp:

dpkg -i /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-perfectprivacy_1.3.0.deb
apt-get -f install
Restart the box.

Thanks murxer

enigma2-plugin-extensions-perfectprivacy_1.3.0.deb.zip (146.55KB)

enigma2-plugin-extensions-perfectprivacy_1.3.0_all.ipk.zip (153.92KB)
EPGLoad Plugin

For testing you will need a * sources.xml file as well as for the EPGImport plugin, which has to be copied to the / etc / epgload directory after installing * .deb from the attachment, or .....
The GUI is quite complete so far and also the EPG loading on yellow should work, down in the configuration you can either select the channels from the All channels to load, or even set one or more Bouqets for EPG is then loaded (but EPG must Of course always be in the respective source package inside).
On blue you select in advance the desired XMLTV packages from the sources that you want to load then load yellow


enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgload_0.93_all.deb.rar (27.62KB)
enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgload_0.93_all.ipk.rar (32.25KB)
LookSeries-FNC Plugin

Auto Subs:
There is ability to automatically/manually download subtitles; in options, set your language. By default, English is automatically loaded.

Manual subs:
Red button on remote control will open screen for "manual" subtitles search.

Menu button on the main window to call options and settings.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-lookseries-fnc_1.1-r3_aarch64.rar (707.44KB)
enigma2-plugin-extensions-lookseries-fnc_1.1-r3_cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4.rar (800.28KB)

enigma2-plugin-extensions-lookseries-fnc_1.1-r3_mips32el.rar (701.22KB)
enigma2-plugin-extensions-lookseries-fnc_1.1-r3_sh4.rar (835.74KB)
New version

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_4.2.2_all ipk

mino60 wrote:

Openpli talk to solve server download problems
The image must be updated using the latest update
Install the appropriate boxbranding.so file for the device, whether ARM or MIPS
Installation of some tools or packages necessary for working on the blog

opkg update
opkg install curl
opkg install wget
opkg install openvpn
opkg install busybox-cron
opkg install nano
opkg install python-lxml
opkg install cur14

opkg update
opkg install boxbranding
opkg install python-lxml

In case the plugin does not start upload after ftp
The process of automatically updating the FreeServer script on the server works only in the Auto_Update_FreeServer mode. The update is set at 19.30 a day and can be modified

Time in the root file in the / etc / crontabs / root path

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_4.2.2_all.rar (3.18MB)

boxbranding arm.zip (7.00KB)

boxbranding mips.zip (5.60KB)
SatVenus Panel Update

UPDATE 16.06.2019
- updated Plugin MediaPortal
- updated Plugin MediaPortal GrayZone
- updated Plugin Free Server 4.2.2
- updated Plugin E2 Iplayer r01
- updated Plugin E2 Istream r01
- updated Plugin TSmedia 14.0
New version

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_4.3.2_all ipk

New update based on request CCcam servers only without transfer
Thus, the Ncam servers will remain undamaged and rearranged and reorganized
The main script without the conversion process has been set up only CCcam servers
We can make it auto-update automatically
Down in the scripts folder and give it 755 chmod permission and use cron

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_4.3.2_all.ipk.rar (3.18MB)