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VU+ Addons, Tools and Other files

VWeather3 Update R34

  1. Domino Skin added
  2. Corrected errors in HD skins
  3. The disappearance of the plugin from the main menu and the extensions has disappeared.
  4. The images on a client are transferred clean and displayed.
  5. Incomplete menus have also disappeared.

thx @ tsiegel

enigma2-plugin-extensions-vweather3_1.0r34_all.ipk.rar (623.18KB)
[Plugin] E2Piconizer - Picon Downloader/Creator
(Beta - First Release)

-E2 Piconizer will allow the downloading of picons direct from various external sources in all popular picons sizes ranging from 50x30 pixels to 400x240 pixels.
-E2 Piconizer also allows a suite of graphic effects you can apply to the picon set including, backgrounds, reflection, glass effects padding, offset, rounding corners.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2piconizer_1.00_20190405_all.ipk.rar (4.42MB)
CCcam Finder Plugin

CCcam Finder is a small Enigma2 plugin that will serve you with FREE CCcam servers automatically.

Required Prerequisites

1/Python lxml module
-Connect to your receiver via the protocol (Telnet)
login to your receiver as root
Installation Command:
opkg update
opkg install python-lxml


Plugin Installation

just extract the CCcamFinder folder
in the directory

(/ Usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugins / Extensions /)

Restart your receiver
you would find the plugin


Launching the plugin

Press OK
Wait until you get the following message:

"Serveurs sont mise à jour"
(servers are updated)



For those who have CCcam subscriptions
you have to save them in another place before launching the program
to avoid the risk of losing them

enigma2-plugin-extensions-cccam-finder_08-04-19_all.ipk.rar (25.94KB)

plugin.py.rar (2.40KB)
VWeather3 Update R39

  1. Update Shutdown-Screen ist wieder da.
  2. Update Russisch als Sprachpaket hinzugefügt (THX @STRU)
  3. Neu DWD-Wetter-Screen mit 21+n Ansichten (Bedienung mit dem Steuerkreuz)
  • Anzeige von 1-n Warnmeldungen des DWD-Wetter-Screen
  • Anzeige einer 4-tage Wettervorhersage des DWD (in den Einstellungen deaktivierbar)
  • Anzeige Bioindizes für Wetterfühlige (in den Einstellungen deaktivierbar)
  • Anzeige Pollenindizes für Allergiger (in den Einstellungen deaktivierbar)

thx @ tsiegel

enigma2-plugin-extensions-vweather3_1.0r39_all.ipk.rar (640.63KB)
FileCommmander 6.3+git27368+409f214-r0

  • add workaround to show mvi files for boxes wich gabb…ing a black picture
  • FileList - use now lock_on and lock_off icons from skin
  • set uniform table for unit scaler, sort script choice…
  • show mvi files
  • [Console] add option to kill hanging script
  • add option to show completed task's message
  • run script in background added
  • show running jobs if fc is reopened

thx @ IPKay & all Dev's

enigma2-plugin-extensions-filecommander_6.3+git27368+409f214-r0_all.ipk.rar (61.75KB)
Serial Recorder

  • Undone quick fix on TV scheduler because Wishlist has fixed the transient bug in the TV planner email
  • Database changes to support series with the same name (see notes)
  • Minor adjustments (for example, hint text in the episode list)


Previously, it was not possible to treat series with the same name (for example, MacGyver from 1985 and 2016) in the serial recorder, with the current version this restriction is now removed. In addition, the complete URL to wishlist is no longer stored in the database, but only the wish list ID for the series.

ATTENTION: The first time the serial recorder is started after the update, the database is updated automatically - a backup of the database is automatically created before the changes are made. Please check the log after the first start if the database could be updated correctly.

thx @ MacDisein

enigma2-plugin-extensions-serienrecorder_3.8.18.0-beta2_all.ipk.rar (479.22KB)
New version

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_3.4_all ipk

The update is characterized by the addition of new servers in the main script
And 22 servers according to your choice, because there are those who do not know the new property of CronTimers
Run the Auto_update_Foul_freecccamserver script once enough to activate the update
Automatically for 22 servers and so on at 2 am for anyone who turns off the device before this time adjusts the file
root in etc / cron / crontabs and sets the desired time
There are also new additions, such as the weekly football program, the wisdom of the day, the Koran ...
Vpn supports more than 200 countries, but only 100 servers are available, so you need to execute the gateway.vpn script, then select the country you want, based on server speed and IP address, all available in the table.

It is best to use an openatv image containing all the necessary drivers and files.

enigma2-plugin-extensions-freeserver_3.4_all.ipk.rar (1.81MB)